New products are waiting to be created that help people in their daily lives.
Eleven HHO cell patents secured thus far (not funded by Circle Green Energy).
Promising Uses for HHO Cells:
• Vehicles
Implementation of an HHO (hydrogen and oxygen) cell in a gasoline, diesel, or propane powered vehicle
will give an increase in performance and mileage. It also yields a cleaner burn thus reducing harmful
byproduct emissions and ensures that you get the most out of your fuel.
• Waterways and oceans:
The HHO cell can help with neutralizing toxic-waste or bio-waste from polluted waterways and lake
bottoms. The electrolysis helps break down chemicals and provides oxygen to fish. It can also help deter
excessive algae blooms.
• Aquatic animal farms:
Antibiotics are often used to deal with feces/ammonia in aquatic farms, but the HHO cell is a clean
alternative that should at least reduce the amount of antibiotics needed.
• Waste treatment:
This also could be used to treat sewage stages 1-3.
With your tax deductible donation you are helping to speed up this process for research and development. It is
expensive and very time consuming to get products to market and into people’s hands.
May God bless you for helping with this process.
After you donate, I will send you a thank-you statement email that you can use for your tax deduction.
Eleven HHO cell patents secured thus far (not funded by Circle Green Energy).
Promising Uses for HHO Cells:
• Vehicles
Implementation of an HHO (hydrogen and oxygen) cell in a gasoline, diesel, or propane powered vehicle
will give an increase in performance and mileage. It also yields a cleaner burn thus reducing harmful
byproduct emissions and ensures that you get the most out of your fuel.
• Waterways and oceans:
The HHO cell can help with neutralizing toxic-waste or bio-waste from polluted waterways and lake
bottoms. The electrolysis helps break down chemicals and provides oxygen to fish. It can also help deter
excessive algae blooms.
• Aquatic animal farms:
Antibiotics are often used to deal with feces/ammonia in aquatic farms, but the HHO cell is a clean
alternative that should at least reduce the amount of antibiotics needed.
• Waste treatment:
This also could be used to treat sewage stages 1-3.
With your tax deductible donation you are helping to speed up this process for research and development. It is
expensive and very time consuming to get products to market and into people’s hands.
May God bless you for helping with this process.
After you donate, I will send you a thank-you statement email that you can use for your tax deduction.