HHO Cell and Its Benefits:
Making burnable gas while running your automobile, ship, aircraft, etc., can be an amazing reality for you.
Implementation of an HHO (hydrogen and oxygen) cell in a gasoline, diesel, or propane powered vehicle will give
an increase in performance and mileage. It also yields a cleaner burn thus reducing harmful byproduct emissions
and ensures that you get the most out of your fuel.
Many people have patented HHO cells for a long time, slowly improving the designs and configurations.
My patented design is one of the best versions, and I will be revealing it in the near future.
How does it work?
Once the cell is installed, and your vehicle is running, the HHO cell will produce hydrogen and oxygen (by
electrolysis of water).
The created gases will bypass the MAF sensor, and go to be burned in the cylinder along with the fuel that your
vehicle typically runs on.
After combustion, the HHO gases are converted back into water (H2O).
How could it make a difference in the performance of your vehicle?
• Because of the high burning temperatures of hydrogen and oxygen, it causes all the fuel (gasoline, etc.) to
be burned up (no catalytic converter needed) and helps clean the cylinders of carbon build up.
• Less gasoline, diesel, or propane fuel is needed because of the greater horsepower. The result is more
miles per gallon.
• What if you could save 10-60% of the fuel that you normally burn in your vehicle by using my HHO cell?
• Space is often limited in engine compartments, so I designed a cell that produces the most HHO in the
smallest space.
Installation and testing:
Once my cell has been adequately tested, I will make it available for purchase and installation with further details
in the future.
The installation process includes changing a few rubber or plastic parts into High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
parts and hoses. Default hoses etc., typically cannot handle the exposure to excess hydrogen and oxygen.
Other promising uses for HHO cells:
• Waterways and oceans:
The HHO cell can help with neutralizing toxic-waste or bio-waste from polluted waterways and lake
bottoms. The electrolysis helps break down chemicals and provides oxygen to fish. It can also help deter
excessive algae blooms.
• Aquatic animal farms:
Antibiotics are often used to deal with feces/ammonia in aquatic farms, but the HHO cell is a clean
alternative that should at least reduce the amount of antibiotics needed.
• Waste treatment:
This also could be used to treat sewage stages 1-3.
What to look for in an HHO cell:
• Size of equipment
• Equipment durability.
• Amount of electricity
• Liters per minute of HHO output
• Type of electrolyte (if used)
• Plate material & design
• Water pump (if used)
• Gas flow rate
What hydrogen and/or oxygen can be used for:
• Generating electricity with a hydrogen fuel cell (not too be confused with an HHO cell.)
• Oxygen tanks (medical, etc.)
• Welding
• Rocket fuel
• Cooking food on the stove (hydrogen- perhaps with some modifications)
See photo example below of an HHO cell test on a race car engine:
Making burnable gas while running your automobile, ship, aircraft, etc., can be an amazing reality for you.
Implementation of an HHO (hydrogen and oxygen) cell in a gasoline, diesel, or propane powered vehicle will give
an increase in performance and mileage. It also yields a cleaner burn thus reducing harmful byproduct emissions
and ensures that you get the most out of your fuel.
Many people have patented HHO cells for a long time, slowly improving the designs and configurations.
My patented design is one of the best versions, and I will be revealing it in the near future.
How does it work?
Once the cell is installed, and your vehicle is running, the HHO cell will produce hydrogen and oxygen (by
electrolysis of water).
The created gases will bypass the MAF sensor, and go to be burned in the cylinder along with the fuel that your
vehicle typically runs on.
After combustion, the HHO gases are converted back into water (H2O).
How could it make a difference in the performance of your vehicle?
• Because of the high burning temperatures of hydrogen and oxygen, it causes all the fuel (gasoline, etc.) to
be burned up (no catalytic converter needed) and helps clean the cylinders of carbon build up.
• Less gasoline, diesel, or propane fuel is needed because of the greater horsepower. The result is more
miles per gallon.
• What if you could save 10-60% of the fuel that you normally burn in your vehicle by using my HHO cell?
• Space is often limited in engine compartments, so I designed a cell that produces the most HHO in the
smallest space.
Installation and testing:
Once my cell has been adequately tested, I will make it available for purchase and installation with further details
in the future.
The installation process includes changing a few rubber or plastic parts into High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
parts and hoses. Default hoses etc., typically cannot handle the exposure to excess hydrogen and oxygen.
Other promising uses for HHO cells:
• Waterways and oceans:
The HHO cell can help with neutralizing toxic-waste or bio-waste from polluted waterways and lake
bottoms. The electrolysis helps break down chemicals and provides oxygen to fish. It can also help deter
excessive algae blooms.
• Aquatic animal farms:
Antibiotics are often used to deal with feces/ammonia in aquatic farms, but the HHO cell is a clean
alternative that should at least reduce the amount of antibiotics needed.
• Waste treatment:
This also could be used to treat sewage stages 1-3.
What to look for in an HHO cell:
• Size of equipment
• Equipment durability.
• Amount of electricity
• Liters per minute of HHO output
• Type of electrolyte (if used)
• Plate material & design
• Water pump (if used)
• Gas flow rate
What hydrogen and/or oxygen can be used for:
• Generating electricity with a hydrogen fuel cell (not too be confused with an HHO cell.)
• Oxygen tanks (medical, etc.)
• Welding
• Rocket fuel
• Cooking food on the stove (hydrogen- perhaps with some modifications)
See photo example below of an HHO cell test on a race car engine: